
Live Webinar - Review of the Latest ENIG IPC-4552 Specification and How it can Help in Quality Disputes

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Join Dr. Frank Xu, Global Product Manager - Final Finishes, as he reviews the most recent corrosion update in IPC ENIG specification upgrades and discusses how recent changes will affect PCB fabricators.
ENIG Webinar

Live Webinar - Review of the Latest ENIG IPC-4552 Specification and How it can Help in Quality Disputes

Join Dr. Frank Xu, Global Product Manager - Final Finishes, as he reviews the most recent corrosion update in IPC ENIG specification upgrades and discusses how recent changes will affect PCB fabricators.

Why Should You Attend?

The latest revision of ENIG specification IPC 4556-A includes stringent requirements for reliability and corrosion which pose numerous challenges for PCB fabricators. Dr Frank Xu will analyze the current IPC thickness and corrosion requirements, highlighting areas that will challenge manufacturing. He will present the technologies that will ensure fabricators can meet the latest stringent requirements, acting as an insurance policy in the case of quality disputes. 

Key Highlights: 

  • In depth analysis into the current IPC thickness and corrosion requirements
  • Introduction to production proven technologies that exceed IPC requirements
  • How to mitigate quality challenges with processes that deliver best-in-class corrosion resistance

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