MacDermid Alpha Promotes ALPHA® SnCX Plus 07 Alloy as a New Solution for Moderately Complex Assemblies
![ALPHA SnCX Plus](/sites/default/files/2021-07/MacDermid%20Alpha%20Promotes%20ALPHA%C2%AE%20SnCX%20Plus%2007%20Alloy%20as%20New%20Solution%20for%20Moderately%20Complex%20Assemblies.jpg)
The Assembly Solutions division promotes its ALPHA SnCX Plus 07 silver free and lead free wave solder alloy as a new solution for moderately complex assemblies.
ALPHA SnCX Plus 07 is a high performance, low cost wave and selective soldering alloy for use on simple to moderately complex dual-sided assemblies. The alloy exhibits high mechanical reliability and excellent hole fill properties enabling best-in-class performance for moderately complex assemblies. Being silver free, ALPHA SnCX Plus 07 is a cost-effective alternative to silver-bearing alloys and can significantly reduce an assembler’s total cost of ownership without sacrificing soldering and reliability performance.
“ALPHA SnCX Plus 07 delivers superior performance over many of the popular tin copper solder alloys. Many companies assembling dual-sided, multi-layer boards up to 2.4 mm thick are already realizing the benefits of using SnCX Plus 07,” said Bernice Chung, Portfolio Manager for Wave Solder Assembly Solutions at MacDermid Alpha.
“Many of our customers have realized substantial cost savings after switching from other popular SnCu based alloys to ALPHA SnCX Plus 07, particularly in the areas of dross reduction and energy savings, as a result of being able to use lower pot temperatures. All assemblers should consider the value that switching to ALPHA SnCX Plus 07 could create for their process.”
Link here for more information on ALPHA SnCX Plus 07