
Alpha 195x50
Kester 195x50
Electrolube 195x50

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Photovoltaic Cell Manufacturing image
Module Assembly - Tabbing and Stringing
Most solar modules in use today are assembled using a process where solder coated copper ribbons are soldered or tabbed to individual cells and those cells are strung in series to create the final module. Alpha fluxes, pastes, preforms and cored wires are used in this process.
Photovoltaic Solar Cell image for Shingling
Module Assembly - Shingling / Advanced Interconnection
An increasing number of high efficiency solar modules assembled today use overlapping solar cells which are joined in series using solder paste. These cell arrays are ultimately routed to a central junction box and distributed to the main system. Alpha solder pastes and cored wires are used in this process.
Photovoltaic Multibusbar
Module Assembly - Multibusbar
Because of their higher efficiency, many solar modules being assembled today use thin solder coated copper wires to connect solar cells in series. Electricity generated by this cell array is ultimately routed to a central junction box and distributed to the main system. ALPHA fluxes, pastes, preforms and cored wires are used in this process.
Solar Panel panel and ribbon
PV Ribbon and Wire Manufacturing
There are a variety of methods used to produce solder coated copper ribbons and wires for the manufacturing of solar modules. In addition, a variety of alloys are needed based on the requirements of the module supplier. We provide the engineered liquid fluxes and solder alloys to meet these needs.
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