Product Overview

ALPHA HiTech CF31-4026 is a reworkable edgebond with high Tg and low CTE, purposefully engineered for high-temperature automotive applications that require exceptional board-level reliability. With superior thermal cycling performance and reworkability at temperatures as low as 185°C, this advanced edgebond offers improved process yields to help reach sustainability objectives.​

Versatile in its applications, CF31-4026 extends its robust reinforcement to high reliability markets such as high-performance computing. This edgebond reinforces the BGA while avoiding contact with solder interconnects beneath the component. Its fluorescent appearance aids in efficient and accurate visual inspection. For industries that require both high temperature resilience and component reinforcement for extended operational life, ALPHA HiTech CF31-4026 is the optimal solution.

Product Features

  • High Tg, ideal for automotive or other high-temperature application
  • Low α1, enabling excellent TCT performance for board-level reliability
  • A reworkable edgebond, removable at 185-200°C for high yield manufacturing and lower total cost of ownership (TCO)
  • Superior slump performance, preventing material from spreading to solder interconnects beneath components, maintaining integrity and reliability in high-density PCBs
  • Fluorescent appearance, enabling visual detection under UV light
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ALPHA HiTech CF31-4026 Flyer - English

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ALPHA HiTech CF31-4026 Flyer - Simplified Chinese

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ALPHA HiTech CF31-4026 Technical Bulletin - English

Car interior

Designed to Meet Stringent Automotive Requirements

ALPHA HiTech CF31-4026 is a specially formulated edgebond with high Tg and low CTE1 (α1) to achieving excellent board-level reliability in automotive applications.

Reworkable Design, Uncompromised Performance

ALPHA HiTech CF31-4026 is designed to be easily reworkable at 185-200°C, while maintaining exceptional TCT performance from -40°C to +125°C for up to at least 2,000 cycles. 

ALPHA® HiTech® CF31-4026 syringe
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