Product Overview
ALPHA Nickel Cut Stencils are hybrids, combining the durability of electroformed nickel stencils with the fast availability of laser cut stencils for electronics assemblers requiring a long life product with outstanding print performance.
Features & Benefits
- Long stencil life, up to twice that of stainless steel stencils
- Material formula optimized for laser cutting
- Rapid turnaround to meet the tightest delivery requirements
- Framed or frameless foils to suit all printers and formats

ALPHA Stencils Europe Brochure English

ALPHA Nickel Cut - What is standard
- Patented material formula for optimum hardness and less stress
- High accuracy and repeatability from state of the art laser machines
- Enhanced ultra fine pitch capability
- Custom thickness capability, to optimize transfer efficiency
- Stepped area(s) for optimized paste volume deposition